Monday, July 7, 2014

Principal communique

Spoke with my principal today and shared my weebly site. She was so impressed she wants me to lead an in-service for all of my co-workers... I'll take a few photos of my in-service to share with my fellow GAETIans...

Monday, June 30, 2014

Day 20: Zero Hour

The wrap up... surveys, pot luck, sharing, CEUs, was good feigning inability to allow another student to show the class how to add everyone elses blogs to your own blog. We shared a google hang out and off to the completion awards ceremony... Unforgettable, that's what this is...

Friday, June 27, 2014

Day 19: One more to go, show what you know...

Us teachers teaching teachers stuff we learned here at GAETI... Thought about taking pictures again but will take 'em on Monday for our graduation ;) Everyone shared, that was present, a gift of our subject matter knowledge. Fascinating how we were all given free range to create our own lesson and not one lesson was duplicated. Everyone had a unique lesson and a creative lesson plan. Prepping for a long weekend to wrap up on Monday. Was gonna stay out here this weekend but I think I'll make a dash to the pad after all and return on Sunday. Why have an electric bike if not to enjoy eliminating the dependence on gas.Here's something for the teachers to enjoy this weekend...

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day 18: The End is Near...

Finished up with our Art presentations, er'body did their thing and seemed to be proud of their work. We visited the student disability center across the street and learned of the opportunities afforded to physically challenged individuals. Very encouraging to see the sort of technology available for people who may not have otherwise been able to express themselves. Earlier in the morning we discussed accommodations in the classroom and spent a few hours finalizing our lesson plans. Decided to provide more of an overview type lesson since the plan is for the span of a week. I've uploaded it to my weebly page Also uploaded my school presentation sheet we worked on in session. Quite the productive day but it's becoming clearer by the moment the end is near...

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 17: Infographics, audio, copyrights, web portfolio and art finalization

camscanner,, were the last bits of the show and tell. Useful Infographic sites and my created infographic from our learning session using information provided: Audio sites: My audioboo intro: Copy right law (began as 14 years, then life time, then lifetime + 70 years... Rule of thumb discussed: How used (education), amount used (5%-10%), commercial v. private use, any devaluation of the work? Spent the remainder of time building on my lesson plan then it was off to art to finish my masterpiece. Masterpiece was done pretty swiftly affording a few additional moments of lesson planning. Dr. Bracey stopped by to check on her babies she luvs ever so much and Dr. Lee lookin' like he gonna miss us tomorrow... We grow on people like that... Fun when teachers become students sometimes, thas the life of a life long learner...

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 16: Show n Tell, Canvas, PPT & Art... Holt McDougal U.S. History textbook: ClassFlow Lanyuy suggests deep immersion into the subject matter (watching videos, acted scenarios in person, on the phone, Off to Alan Hall to work on the Canvas LMS (learning management system). Did well, kept up with the discussion, created my page, etc. Prior powerpoint experience with Dr. Lee made today's presentation very easy. Then it was off to art... OK got a pretty snazzy idea for my powerpoint I've completed... Now I just need to get my rubrics up and ready for this lesson demo rapidly approaching...

Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 15: iPad, Prezi and Art...

Due to transportation issues I arrived later than desired BUT thankfully I'm a 21st Century teacher! While at the hospital I was able to log into my canvas site, find out what the group was doing today, watch the same video they watched and prepared my prezi assignment. When I arrived I was right on course with the rest of the group. The cohorts expressed little enthusiasm about the iPad and Prezi presentations. The copyright presentation was cancelled due to poor weather. Finished up another stage in my art assignment. I project to be done with it by Wednesday. Going to keep this one short today, need some rest and after all that talk about True Blood, I STILL haven't seen it! Weekend was horrific but such is life, I made it to see another day... Oh, created a web page for our group project: Ok time for some eat and sleep!!!